4 min readApr 15, 2021


Does SOAR have what it takes to soar in the cryptoverse?

I have been following a lot of projects in cryptocurrency and try my best to look for teams that are building something useful and one of those projects I have been watching is SOAR. I really like what the team is doing and they are a unique project not driven by hype but an actual use.

I try to stick to projects with good solid fundamentals and a clear vision and that are mainly part of the Ethereum ecosystem. I am extremely bullish on the future of Ethereum as that seems to be where most of the development is currently. SOAR is an erc20 token on Ethereum that wants to solve the problem of dead liquidity from rugged projects my using it’s liquidity migrator; Website;

You can save steps which means less transaction fees by swapping the LP tokens into SOAR and like a black hole it will merge residual liquidity by allowing users to swap any liquidity from X_pool .SOAR_pool.

It has what in my opinion is the easiest and most efficient ”frictionless” staking system which takes 1% of every transaction and distributes the rewards to holders wallets automatically.

The team is almost done integration with BSC and something they are working on called Novapad as well as their own DEX SoarSwap. The team seems very professional and have been putting things out in a timely manner and as I see it all coming together I am optimistic for it’s success in the cryptoverse. With BSC integration and a lowering of eth gas fees I really do see the usefulness of the liquidity migrator. The team has more plans in store and I am still not 100% sure on every aspect of the novapad but am I hopeful it will add to the utility of SOAR.

The code has been audited twice as of writing this and the team is anonymous. They have done good for the community already by allocating 40% of the supply for an airdrop which happened a few months ago and the recipients were chosen from people who previously victims of rug pulls on other projects which SOAR hopes to be a solution to. Audits;

The community is active, growing and very helpful on telegram; 0xSoaR is the main developer and has been there to answer a lot of questions and explain any decisions. For me I went by the actions and effort I see and have no problem with an anonymous team and they have done things like lock liquidity as you can see here;

Github activity;

The supply is 10 millions in total with 8.1 currently in circulation and it’s ranked 1104 on coingeko as I write this;

I strongly think this project is at a very low price, currently just over 1$ USD and as the team continues to deliver I see it getting more attention and use which will be good for it’s value both short term and long term. It’s market cap is still very low at less than 20 million and I really see it growing into a lot higher as things come together.

When buying on Uniswap it’s best to increase slippage to 2% and don’t use decimals when buying SOAR on Uniswap because sometimes it causes an error. BSC integration will not have this issue and I haven’t had one error using whole numbers.

Always do your own research and this is my first medium article. I wrote it because I like SOAR and own a small amount of it. I am also very happy to be apart of the community driven marketing which all qualifying work will be airdropped more SOAR! I hope I did a good job explaining SOAR and what it aims to do as well as show my gratitude to the hard work of the team that really has been delivering the goods.

Telegram user; @Slickinfinity slickinfinity.crypto

